Live WifiWay is a (Spanish) wifi security linux version. It can be run from a grub4dos USB boot drive by extracting the files from the iso file and copying them to the USB drive.

Unfortunately, I have not yet found a way to boot it directly from an iso file (the cheat code from=/xxxx.iso does not seem to work).

Wifiway is based on : http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/

wifiway 3.0 final

Well, once again we are pleased to release a new version of our beloved wifiway.

Today we release version 3.0, which has many major changes.

The most important would you say are the kernel, version 3.0.4, the firmware and drivers wireless.

Further, the drivers have been updated graphics standard and included officials from ATI and NVIDIA.

I want to thank all the staff for their collaboration, I think this is the version of wifiway where most people worked in one way or another even on today and I have things I could try, the sum of the development team of more Firecat wifiway gave a result great, I did not know one another .. knew it was a collaboration of incredible. Now roll then you do not like, I hit the complete list of changes, notice that it is quite long, but I try not to bore cut, I hit integrated, all development changes starting from wifiway 2.0.3 .. . starting with the idea of a wifiway 2.0.4, and finally because of the enormous amount of change was thought best to go to version 3.0, using the 3.0.4 kernel nomenglatura.

I move that new chips supported, at least secured tested that of my white alpha rtl8188ru. I have yet to record a demo video, using gpu-cracking, advanced as those who will operate the official drivers ati or nvidia …. you will see a rush of speed as the keys for second test in your trials to hadshakes brute force wpa etc. to me in particular with an ATI HD5770, I get 45,000 keys a second. at that speed, I can pass a dictionary numerically of no less than 10 characters, in about 2 days and a half. ON CRACKING GPU- Thou must choose from the main menu, according to the driver to use your card (ati / nvidia) driver works if you, congratulations, you will have that extra speed. Before anyone asks … NO I’m sorry … for intel there is nothing. THIS IS YOUR GIFT OF CHRISTMAS Enjoy it DOWNLOAD: ——>>>>>> wifiway final 3.0 alternative download site: —– >>> http://www.multiupload.com/6N3SLS0BJN MD5: 5fb9e92531d87c85dea30853da749763

1. Download the latest iso file from here. Check the MD5 hash by pressing ALT+F2 in RMPrepUSB (latest Beta) and selecting the ISO file – v3.4 MD5: 3e0645da12d5bbbdb4dd335c891e2866

2. Mount the iso file using ImDisk or your favourite iso mounting tool

3. Copy the whole wifiway folder to your USB drive (so your USB drive has a /wifiway folder)

4. Copy the two files initrd.xz and vmlinuz files from the /boot folder or from the mounted iso to the USB /wifiway folder

5. Add the following menu entry to your grub4dos menu.lst file

title WifiWay

find –set-root /wifiway/livecd.sgn

kernel /wifiway/vmlinuz noload=Ati*;Nvidia* root=/dev/ram0 rw autoexec=xconf;telinit~4 changes=/changes/changes.dat

initrd /wifiway/initrd.xz

The USB drive should be formatted as FAT32 and have grub4dos boot code added.

More menu entries can be found in the /boot/wifiway.cfg file in the iso file. Just translate the commands to grub4dos format (the first menu item is the one shown above which launches a desktop GUI).

Once it is booting successfully, for a persistent filesystem, create a 1GB ext2 file using RMPrepUSB called changes.dat and place it on the USB drive in the /changes folder. Note: If the ext2 file is not large enough the OS may hang during booting.Unsupported embed


Follow the instructions for WiFiWay but use a folder called wifislax and the following menu.lst entry…

title WifiSlax

find –set-root /wifislax/wifislax.sgn

kernel /wifislax/vmlinuz acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=legacy noload=011-Ati*;012-Nvidia* max_loop=50 root=/dev/ram0 rw ramdisk_size=6666 changes=/changes/changeslax.dat

initrd /wifislax/initrd.xz

For a persistent filesystem, create a 1GB ext2 file using RMPrepUSB called changeslax.dat and place it on the USB drive in the /changes folder.

Note: WiFiSlax seems to ignore USB HDD drives when booting. Therefore this procedure only works when booting from the Removable type of USB Flash drive for WiFiSlax.

Even if using Easy2Boot, you need to use a Removable USB Flash drive (2018-05 Wifislax64-1.1.iso and version 4-4-1.iso tested)

(I have not tested WiFiWay with a USB HDD).

Easy2Boot (E2B) is a popular multiboot USB solution for ISO files, etc. that also contains agFM and Ventoy. It supports both Legacy and UEFI.
Simply copy on your bootable ISO files to the E2B USB drive and boot! Boot to DOS, Linux, Windows Install ISOs (XP>Win11),
automate Windows installs, WIM files, VHD files, images of flash drives, Linux ISO+persistence, etc.
E2B is unique in that it uses partition images which allows you to directly boot from Secure Boot images (no need to disable Secure Boot or run MOK manager or modify your UEFI BIOS).

eBooks (multi-buy discount 10%)

The following eBooks (in PDF format) are available from the developer (rated 4.5/5 stars).

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